Get ready to dive into the world of publicity with Jill Lublin, a master of visibility and profitability for entrepreneurs and businesses. With over two decades of experience and a track record of success, Jill doesn’t just talk the talk—she lives it. In this episode, she’ll introduce you to the groundbreaking concept of “kindness as a competitive advantage” from her latest book, The Profit of Kindness. Discover why it’s not just about your book, but the power of your message that drives publicity and success. Jill’s insights will help you take your visibility to new heights and maximize your impact. Tune in to learn how to magnetize, multiply, and monetize your brand, and prepare to rock your stage, page, and screen!
Jill’s hands-on workshop will be running from November 13th to 15th, offering expert guidance to elevate your publicity game. Mention this podcast to receive special pricing. Don’t miss this chance to amplify your message and achieve greater success.
I’m so glad to be here to create that visibility factor and get you rocking with regard to your books. I want to say I have four. Part of the piece of this is that I speak from experience of having gone through this multiple times, and as a publicity expert, at helping you in all kinds of different ways. What it comes down to is having an impact and influence on your book. What we want to do is look at, “What is it about your book that is influential,” but more importantly, I also want to say it’s not about your book all the time.
What Publicity Does For You
Publicity Strategies: The Profit of Kindness: How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Business Relationships
I want to get you off of that and get you connected to the message of your book and the next steps in your publicity for your book. Also, think about real things you can do. I purposely bring this up right away because so many authors make the mistake that you think that publicity is all about your book. It’s not. We absolutely want to use it as a reason for publicity, and I’m so excited for you to have that. I’m going to give you different things to think about. However, I want to know what you think publicity does for you.
It makes connections. It creates know, like, and trust. It builds credibility. Also, that needed visibility. It builds credibility. It brings awareness and creates credibility. I like the credibility. You’re onto the C word, which is true. Also, it shares messages. What it does is it puts your expertise up too. The truth is people can’t know who you are unless you’re doing publicity, which is why you use that book to get in there, to be sharp, and to get focused. It’s about creating that, “I’ve heard of you somewhere syndrome.” That’s what I want you to think about and to create that possibility of the power of your visibility.
Here’s the thing that’s so powerful is that your expertise rises. One woman following my system got a fifteen-minute podcast and sold 42 books because what I didn’t say in there was selling books. I want you to be able to sell books. I want you to promote your consulting and coaching services. Who’s a consultant coach along with a book? Most of you are along with it or you provide some kind of service. Maybe not quite that, but most of you, if I were to guess, do. It’s never about the $20 book but the point is it’s also about the whole expertise of who you are.
Publicity Strategies: Publicity is not just about your book; it’s about leveraging your message to create impact and influence.
I want you to think of publicity like a gardening process. I want you to plant fertile seeds now and then I want you to think ahead for publishing, whether you’re published or not, whether you’ve already published. I want you to think in 3, 6, and 9 months regarding a timeline. I want you to think about a timeline of that. I think that’s important. Does anyone like M&Ms? Me too. I don’t eat them a lot, but I do like them, particularly the peanut kind. I don’t care what color they are, but I particularly like the three Ms for publicity, which are to magnetize you, multiply you, and monetize you.Magnify, Multiply, And MonetizeShare on X
I want you to think like that. In fact, I want you with a whole new mindset around publicity that it’s not just about selling books because that’s too small of a game for all of you. It’s about next stepping it to everything else that you do and we’re going to use your book as an excuse for publicity. A gentleman hired me a year after his book was out, and we found ways in with the powerful message and that’s what your publicity is all about. It’s all about your message. That might have to do with your book and it might have to do with your consulting, coaching, or other things that you provide. Also, it might have to do with your personal story.
Let me say to you. The power of your message is what’s key. I know as an author, you have a strong message in you. Am I right? I know I’m right because I know that you’re here. You’ve invested your time, money, and energy into your books. It’s great leadership and it’s all about your message. Now, look at that word message. What are the first two letters in it? It’s ME. What are the last four letters in the word message? Gold stars to all of you because in the word message is me sage.
Creating Your Message
Now, in the word message is also mess. We’re going to take the mess out of your message. The point is that you’re going to take the mess out of your message and I want to give you a great formula for how to do that right now. The issue is that you are experts. You wrote a book. You solve problems in the marketplace. Say yes. I want you to get used to saying yes. In fact, I bought a sign for it on Amazon, but the point is you have to get used to saying yes to the media and yes to your publicity in every form it comes.Magnify, Multiply, And MonetizeShare on X
I got hired by Mark Victor Hansen. You’ve probably heard of him. The Chicken Soup for the Soul fame and Robert Allen. They were working on a book called The One Minute Millionaire. It’s a good book. Do you know what’s interesting? They flew me to LA and we sat around a table, focusing on the book and what was next even though it was a year away. Do you know what? Mark looked at me. He said, “Jill, you are here around this table because I understand how powerful and important publicity is.”
Publicity Strategies: The three M’s of publicity: Magnetize, Multiply, and Monetize. Transform your visibility strategy.
He said, “With Chicken Soup for the Soul, we sold 500 million books. We sold that many books because we understood the power of publicity.” One of the things he said to me that I want to share with you and that I think was so powerful is that we said yes to everything no matter how small it was. He said, “I said yes to things that I didn’t even know where they were like radio stations. I said yes to markets and opportunities where I had to get up at 4:00 in the morning, which is not my favorite time, he said, but the point is that by saying the continual yes to media, that’s the multiplication factor.Magnify, Multiply, And MonetizeShare on X
Publicity is the power of what I would say the gift that keeps on giving because here’s the cool thing. Once you get publicity, you keep getting it. The great thing about media is they’re quite incestuous in a good way, and once you keep getting media, everybody goes, “You must be good.” It multiplies itself. That’s the multiplication factor. The magnification factor and the monetization factor are people are going to buy your book and your services. That’s important to stay in business. That’s the point of showing up and that’s when I learned that no matter what I was asked and that was a lesson that I always want to share with all of you. It’s important to keep saying yes.
Now, when you’re giving and stating the problem out there, you don’t say, “Here’s what I do. This is what I specialize in,” which, by the way, yes, you would in an intro like we did a little bit like Juliet did when we started and then you give solutions. I want you to give three solutions. I want you to keep them very simple. What does that mean? It means a five-year-old language. I want it in a five-year-old language.
I say this because I know you’re smart to invest in yourself, your time, your energy, and Juliet. You’re smart, yes, and keep things simple, especially for media. I’m going to tell you because they may not know your subject matter. They may not have ever read anything about you, what you do, or any of that stuff. I think simplicity is going to be your way.
With that, let me ask before I show you. Would it be helpful if I showed you my message? I’m going to say the problem now is 4 out of 5 businesses will go out of business or I could say authors won’t sell books. I can substitute things and I’m purposely showing you the transparency of this because one of the things I want is I want you to have a message that becomes a script. I want you to have a script so that no matter how you feel, what kind of day it is emotionally, wonderfully, or whatever, you can say this no matter what.
Here’s what else I know. In the people I work with, confidence gets accelerated because your message is in you, and I want your message in you to be congruent and resonant. Here’s the great thing. When it is all those things, it happens. Your confidence accelerates and you can say it anywhere anytime. I think that’s important. I also say I want to share three gorilla publicity tips for how to get your message in the media.
The first way to get noticed is to create your “ooh ah” factor. The second way is to create the, “I’ve heard of you somewhere syndrome,” and the third way is to focus on networking magic and show up in your community at least twice a month for name and face recognition. This, my friends, is my message. You notice simplicity. I just took 30 years of publicity experience and put it in very simple language. What else did I do? Did I follow my formula? What did I do in my message? Please let me know.
The Power Of Using You Language
I identified the problem. I followed my own advice. I do practice what I preach. It’s important because I want to see what’s working in the marketplace, and frankly, I think that’s important. What else did I do? You made it about us. Absolutely. Do you know what I did? I used the you language. This is a very key point. What I did was I said you a lot. Now, here’s the thing, I want all of you to shift to you language. It’s going to make a big difference, but here’s what else I did. Are you ready? I used every book title in my message.
You didn’t even know it. I kept it simple. I did keep it simple, but here’s the cool thing. I want to share three gorilla publicity tips. That’s book number one. We sold 85,000 copies. I’m super excited. This is my third edition and we keep going because publicity is an ongoing visibility-building activity. It’s not like you get the book out and then stop. I think that it’s important. Dr. Owen also says I’m using hard data to substantiate the seriousness of the problem. Absolutely.
I said 4 out of 5 businesses. The media loves statistics. Then I said, the first way to get noticed just happens to be the title of my book on McGraw Hill. It’s Get Noticed… Get Referrals. You don’t have to use the whole book title. In fact, I’d probably prefer that you don’t. Sexy book titles are usually two words, just FYI and that’s how many of the bookstores look it up. As I said, the third way is to focus on what? Networking magic.
Demonstrating Your Book
When you’re speaking about a book, you’re going to bring your book forward, and you’re going to hold it in my face. You’re going to hold it for what will seem like a ridiculous amount of time. I want your heart to be fast. I want you to think, “Am I holding this too long,” because here’s the truth. People are still tuning into it. I see a lot of authors go like this and then you put it down. I didn’t even see the book.Magnify, Multiply, And MonetizeShare on X
I want you to hold it straight into the camera. I want you to know that sometimes things glare. Here’s a cool tip for glaring book covers. You slide it down forward just a little bit. It takes the glare off. Mostly, I want you to practice this before you have to show it on your face for name and face recognition and you can put it back nicely. You don’t have to rush the process. Please don’t rush the process. This is your baby. You birthed this book. This book deserves to be shown, seen, and proudly demonstrated with you being that demonstration. I think that it’s important and be a bit more proud and loud with your book.
Speaking of that, as I’m looking around because I know most of you are authors in this room. I’m looking around and I don’t see your books. I know some of you might have a background screen. Keep them next to your face, but get a music stand. Get a shelf from Amazon for $20 and put your books up. I want to see them and I want to see them close. I want to see them so I can read them. You notice the only thing in my frame is me and my books. Occasionally, the plant sneaks in from over there, but I’m just saying. Keep it tight and your book. What are you promoting?
If you don’t have any of those, you make a Canva piece and make sure that you’re promoting behind you what you want people to know about everybody. We’re going to up-level your promotion with what we see because what we see in the box is what we know. The truth is you’ll often be well interviewed by media on Zoom most of the time. Problem and solution. Make sure you have more visibility even with your books. All the fabulous things that the power of publicity and where it takes you. Also, expertise is one of the ways.
I’m going to demonstrate to you another way to get in publicity and get more publicity that keeps things rocking for you. It gets that name recognition going and creates the, “I’ve heard of you somewhere syndrome,” and that is to create your “ooh ah” factor. This is all about using what I like to call everything you’ve got. Use everything you’ve got. What do I mean by that? I mean your ethnicity, religion, age, and everything you can use.
Let me give you two examples. These are real clients of mine who have written books. One is a gentleman over 60. I think he was 64 when we were doing this specific piece. He had just written a fiction book, which honestly, is probably one of the harder ones a little bit to promote. You have to come up with really creative angles. He owns an insurance company. He’s quite successful in that. Writing a book was his third career. Does anyone know the largest, most well-read magazine at least in the United States? Time and People. People are definitely very well-read.
Can I tell you what it is? It’s AARP’s Modern Maturity. The largest well-read publication in the United States and my client, Joe, got in it using my publicity system. Do you know why? It’s about everything he’s got like writing a novel past 60 and having a third career. We didn’t even say it was a novel. We just said it was a book. You don’t have to tell people every single little thing. In his case, it was a book that was the right piece.
Also, there’s a woman I worked with. She’s 74. First of all, she wouldn’t even tell me her age when we first met. I’m like, “Why wouldn’t you tell me your age?” She goes, “Because people put me in a certain box.” She looked like she was in her 50s, a yoga teacher, a leader in the health field, and she looked it. I said to her, “Trust me. Let’s use your age and everything you’ve got to get into media.” Guess who got on KTLA’s Good Day LA, a huge TV show in Los Angeles morning show? She was in Forbes, so to speak.
Her age, looking beautiful, feeling vibrant, and how to live a good life, and then guess what she did? She sold a lot of books because she used everything she’s got. One of my clients is a business author. She’s a Christian woman. I said, “We’re going to use that. I want to use Christian media. I want to use women’s media and then I want to use Christian women’s media.” We got three opportunities to use everything she’s got. Do you see where I’m going?
The other woman I work with who’s a business communication expert when Black History Month happens, we were doing a great story about how to communicate effectively in business and getting great publicity with that. With Black History Month, because she’s a Black woman, we changed her story to how to communicate powerfully as a Black woman in today’s times. That was the story that got her into Essence Magazine, Black Enterprise, and many other urban radio stations and other kinds of fabulous media. That’s using everything she’s got.
What could you be using? It’s everything you’ve got that maybe you just haven’t touched before. I want to encourage you to be with that and to go deep on it. My client is Chinese. We got him into the Chinese Times. We translated his article into Chinese. He doesn’t speak it fluently. He’s first generation and do you know what? He got a $7,000 consulting client from one article in the Chinese Times. Do you think that might be good for you, whatever you are in?
That is what I’m looking at for each of you. It’s using everything you’ve got. I hope this has expanded your mind in terms of what’s possible for you. When we’re looking at everything you’ve got, and by the way, that was a soundbite. I want you to keep thinking about your soundbites. What are your best soundbites? A soundbite is the opportunity of something that you write a lot about. It’s something you might say that comes out of your mouth and it’s like, “That sounds good.”
It’s something your client will feed back to you. My clients have said to me, “You helped me find my message, my magnification factor, my “ooh ah” factor. Listen to what people say to you because, frankly, they will often give that to you. Maybe we can play with that a little bit for you. I want to demonstrate something to you that something technical happened. It’s going to happen when you’re being interviewed at Times. One of the things I want you to do is get used to just dealing with what it is and come back strong because they don’t give you another chance.
Get used to it and don’t come back and go, “I couldn’t get myself off mute,” or whatever, because that’s distracting to your message. In most media interviews, you’ve got about four minutes. In a top-shelf kind of interview, you’re not going to have a lot of time, so don’t waste it apologizing, making excuses, or telling somebody something. I want to say that because I think it’s important.
Let me show you some hot topics from this world that are super cool, but before we do that, I want to show them how I used The Profit of Kindness using everything I’ve got because this is my book. This is how much publicity I got, but it’s a third of it. That was what I’d call the best of. Also, fantastic placement with Forbes Magazine and Inc. Magazine twice. Also, seven Fox News interviews literally in the first 30 days on kindness in the marketplace and how to create it because I didn’t go out and say, “Jill’s got a new book,” which, of course, you want to do because it’s very exciting but the truth is nobody cares that you’ve got a new book out.
What they did care was about finding the right angle. I want you to push the right button with the media and tell them frankly what they can use. In this case, it was about the divided states of America. That’s what got The Profit of Kindness so much publicity and I’m talking a lot and it’s ongoing. There’s no stopping. The thing about publicity is it’s ongoing and continuous.
With that, I want to tell you that I was inspired to create Kindness Circles, where we come together in kindness, support each other, and help each other. In fact, I want to invite you, if I may. It’s completely free. Go to JillLublin.com/kindnesscircles, and come join us in our next circle. It’s great networking. We have two breakouts and I have a wonderful speaker from People Magazine’s Kindness issue coming up. He’s fifteen years old and practicing acts of kindness. I just thought that it was super cool.
Now, with that, I want to show you some hot topics. These are the topics that people or the media care about and they’re asking for. Take a look at that. Take a picture of it and see what might be something that could be great for you. I think that that’s important. Where do you fit in? I want to give you some visibility-building activities and we’re going to take some Q&A, so get your questions ready. These are great visibility-building activities that are easy to do and completely free. Networking, you’re doing it right now. You’re showing up. You’re networking. You’re being together.
I want you to follow reporters on social media and sign up for Google alerts. You must be in there with your name so that when the media talks about you, you will know and then one word. When The Profit of Kindness came out, I wrote the word kindness to Google Alerts and I found out that November 13th is World Kindness Day. Did you know that? I didn’t until I put it into Google Alerts. Now, I can do all kinds of publicity around it, including having wonderful people show up for my Kindness Circle, which I found from People Magazine’s kindness issue in November.
NationalDayCalendar.com. I want you to look at that and find a holiday that will be perfect for you. Go to Apple Podcasts and Spotify and see what your topics are. You can put in one word and do all kinds of fun things. BlogTalkRadio has been reformatted and has a lot of hosts looking for great guests just like you. Also, HARO, which is now called Connectively.us. Make sure you subscribe. It’s free. It has a free version and these are good resources. In the meanwhile, we’re going to come off. We’re going to ask and answer some questions. Who’s got some cute questions? Hopefully, I’ve got some answers. We’ll do maybe ten minutes of Q&A. Go ahead.
It’s probably an easy question but I’ve been primarily using podcasts because that’s a format I like besides the smaller things I’m doing. I got on some cool ones and I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to leverage those interviews. I’d love to hear some more ideas about that.
First of all, congratulations. That is super great and the issue is leveraging. I want you to think about publicizing your publicity. You want to publicize your publicity and what that looks like is to keep creating that ongoing visibility. I have publicity systems, Laura. One of my systems is every 60 days, you’re going to send out an announcement. I didn’t say press release. I made an announcement. “Laura’s been featured on X podcasts,” that kind of thing and that is a great thing. If you want to be able to do that, that would be quite helpful for you. Here are the words you’re going to remember. Publicize your publicity and I think that it will make a big difference. That’s a big first start.
I had a quick question at the beginning. You mentioned thinking about it in 3, 6, and 9 months. I’m curious. Are there things that we should do at each of those milestones?
Using Your Bio Effectively
No, I am not going to go into tremendous detail because that’s a little tactical in the weeds, but let me just say. I’ll give you some bigger things to think about. I mentioned I have systems. In my opinion, every three months, you make sure you’re re-looking at your bio. That it’s right, that it’s real, that it’s up-to-date, and that it’s relevant. I looked at my bio because I do this too, and I realized that during COVID, it still said, “She teaches her medium mastery intensive live.” No, I don’t. Not anymore. Everything’s virtual. I’ve kept it this way completely because it’s to serve a lot more people. You’ve got to keep up with yourself. Also, putting in new awards and new things that you’ve done is a good idea and I think that it’s important.
There are a couple of things. You want to be looking ahead because, for instance, you want to be planning. With The Profit of Kindness, for example, I had a timetable, which was 30, 60, and 90. I went 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and then countdown. I think that it’s important. You want to be looking at particularly long lead magazines that are at least six months ahead.
Entrepreneur Magazine, when I interviewed them for guerrilla publicity, noticed as I talked about each book, I pointed to it. I want you to notice that because it’s purposeful, especially for all of you because I want you to start bringing knowledge about your book to others. I think that it’s important that you want to look at it. Particularly magazines if you want to get in any of them. What’s your book about?
It’s a novel where, as the story unfolds, the main character will show you how you can change your own life.
It’s about change, beauty, and recreation. The thing about novels is that you have to make it so that people are engaged with yours. Sometimes, people I work with who are novelists in particular, I love the creativity story because writing a novel is very creative. I want you to think about looking ahead if you want to get that book into review magazines, for instance. You want people to pay attention.
There are two aspects that you made me think of. Thank you for this because one of it is that’s interesting about the book is that there are Twelve Pillars of Eon that are in the book. I wrote the conversations. I don’t recall writing them. I think they were channeled to me. There’s a spiritual aspect to it as to where this knowledge came from. The other one is that the main character, Eon, comes to help the main character, who’s gender non-binary, come to terms with identity. There’s an LGBTQ+ angle to it and my husband and I are writing the book. There’s the other angle there.
Now, you gave me the next piece to do, which is I want you in all media across the country. The Bay Area has at least six gay and lesbian newspapers that I know of. Here’s the thing. I want you to look at, it not only in where you live, in your area, but also nationwide. Let’s serve that market with a story. The story is you and your husband, and the novel’s writing is within that. That’s the use everything you’ve got part. Did you see where I just went with that?
By the way, that could be a huge story because I worked for a record label. You could call it a women’s and gay record label. I was the only straight woman there. I got them a huge publicity for a concert series that they were doing this record label at Carnegie Hall and we sold out Carnegie Hall before they ever got there. Do you know why? We got them in the Boston Globe and the New York Times. All publicity sold out those tickets. It wasn’t about the concert. Does that make sense?
That’s what I want you to focus on because I think it’s going to be easier for you to get more publicity. Plus, the story of gender identity is a hot story. We’ve got June and other holidays and months that celebrate this diversity. I’d tune into those holidays, too. I think that it will be very important. Thank you so much. The issue is that each one of you must say yes to the media. Whatever the media is asking for, you have to just say yes.
The point about media is just to say yes to them and I think that it’s important. One of the things in terms of learning to say yes and knowing to say yes, Juliet asked me to tell you how you can continue this fabulous PR journey with me. Let me take a moment and tell you about my Media Mastery Intensive. Now, let me just tell you. This is a powerful short-day day bootcamp where we will focus on the documents that you need.
Inside the Media Mastery Intensive, we’re going to work on your bio. We’re going to focus on your message. We’re going to create publicity. I know one of you was asking about publicizing your publicity. In the Media Mastery, what we’re going to have is a media panel and you’re going to be able to pitch them. Picture this. You being able to walk away with actual interviews would be good. Also, you’re going to be able to pitch the media and hear from them what they like and what works for them. Frankly, learned from all the participants what works in a media pitch and what’s important.
We’re also going to have love seats there. I call them loveseats so that you can ask me every question you have. The value of the media mastery intensive is $197. It’s super get-it-done and highly interactive. There are terrific media and panels there that’ll be good next steps for the information that you need right from the mouth of the media themselves.
On top of that, because Juliet and I have had a longstanding relationship, I’m going to give you an additional bonus, which is my Publicity Crash Course. This is a short one-day course where we do three documents. You leave with three documents done and templates that you can use for your books, for your projects, for your launches, or for everything that you’re working on.
I mentioned before that I have a system. This is a 30, 60, and 90-day system. We’re getting them done right there in the course. Everything I do is highly interactive. I’m a no-nonsense, let’s get it done kind of woman, and I’m very laser. Hopefully, you noticed that by now. The value on that is $197 and together, we’re going to get your publicity rocking and you’re going to have a great and simple way to take it out there.
I’m giving you a no-brainer offer, my friends, and the value, though, is $394. Now, it’s $97. That’s it. There’s a QR code. There’s a registration. Go to JillLublin.com/pbbundle. If, for whatever reason, you can’t make those dates, just private chat, and we’ll put you in the next one. Here’s your great offer for now. That’s what’s available. I’m super excited to be here with you. I am super excited to have the opportunity to connect with you.
I can look at all of you anyway and that’s a fabulous thing. I think that it’s important. Amanda is saying thank you. I appreciate that. The other thing, Amanda, is that honestly, I was mentioning to you that I worked with Donna, who’s a theta healer, too. One of the things that she had done was multiple pieces in her life that were quite interesting. The reality of your bio is that sometimes you include pieces of it, but your messaging might have other parts. It’s a bit of a delicate dance, so to speak. I want to say that it’s a key too and I think that it’s important.
I have a few different bios and I update them regularly depending on the audience and where it’s getting published.
I had a woman who was a sound healer. That’s very esoteric. She had twelve bios until she met me. I’m big on systems. In fact, every 60 days, we’re going to do it in the wonderful courses that I have offered you. We’re going to do it right there whether you have one or not, and a lot of upgrades on what you already have. She went down to two because she did do different things, but I don’t want you to have that many multiple bios. It’s a little bit like, “Can you just reach for an item of clothing and put it on?” I want ease for you and simplicity. One bio is simple. Maybe two, Amanda, but not a lot more. If you’re speaking at an event, that’s different, but when media needs your bio, they need it fast and quickly. I want you to have it no matter what.
My versions are more. There are one that’s honed in on divorce coaching, and there’s one that’s honed in on healing. Also, there are different links to them so that they’re prepared for someone who wants a 75-word bio versus someone who has room for a 250, 300-word bio. That’s the variety that I have. Mostly, I have two focuses and multiple links, but now, I like this new one.
That’s great. I’m glad to hear it.
Juliet helped me with my very first bio. Thank you so much.
I am thrilled and delighted to have been here with you. I just want to say the part about your messaging is that your message matters. Publicity is going to get you out there fast. It’s going to allow people to impact with you and you have the impact that you desire and the contribution that you deserve. I want to have you take baby steps wherever you are, and wherever you are, let’s take another bigger step to the next step to your success. I look forward to helping you in any way I can and you have a blessed and beautiful day, all of you.
Thank you, Jill, and thank you everybody. By the way, that is an extraordinary offer there. If you have the $97, I want you to partake in that because that is a good deal and I love that you’re so action-oriented because you know so many of these people will watch a video and get lost and they don’t do it. It’s nice that you’re there to do a little bit of handholding. Thank you guys.
The next episode is Jared Rosen. He has a new app out for authors. You would want to show up, touch base, and see what he has to offer. It’s in beta right now, but I believe they just got their capital funding for it. It must have been a good idea or nobody would give them money. Thank you. I’ll see you next time.
Important Links:
- Chicken Soup for the Soul
- The One Minute Millionaire
- Get Noticed… Get Referrals
- The Profit of Kindness
- JillLublin.com/kindnesscircles
- NationalDayCalendar.com
- BlogTalkRadio
- Connectively.us
- Media Mastery Intensive
- Publicity Crash Course
- JillLublin.com/pbbundle
About Jill Lublin

Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She is the author of 4 Best Selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness went #1 in four categories. Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 25 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches a virtual Publicity Bootcamp, and consults and speaks all over the world. She has spoken on many stages with luminaries such as Tony Robbins. Jill also leads a conscious kindness community.