Building influence is like becoming the captain of your own ship, navigating the seas of knowledge and connecting with people along the way. Join Juliet Clark as she talks with Joie Gharrity, a distinguished brand consultant, video podcast creator, and international speaker, on how to elevate your visibility and influence. Joie shares her journey from Hollywood to entrepreneurship, emphasizing the critical role of building genuine relationships and mastering social media strategies. Through practical guidebooks and daily habits, Joie explores the importance of building authentic relationships and investing in the right tools and coaches. Tune in and discover Joie’s superstar influence secrets!

We have another fantastic guest. I will introduce her in a few moments, but I want to remind you about our monthly events. Our monthly events are training. They’re free and fantastic. With the exception of if there’s a holiday in the way, they’re always the first Friday of every month at 9:00 AM. October’s is Sheila Kennedy and she’s going to be doing a training on how to get your media kit together.
What I wanted to talk about in this episode is the very special training on November 1st. I’m going to be doing it myself and it’s platform planning. We’re getting you ready for 2025. In 2023, I did this and it was $1,497 and I did it as a workshop. This time, I know so many people are struggling and they’ve got to figure out how to do things on a shoestring budget, so I’m doing training as a monthly free training.
You’ll be able to gather clues about what you want, look at this past year, what you did well, what you did not do well, your goals for the future, and crafting that one-year vision, then determining the next steps. When I say determining the next steps, I’m going to have lots of forms. You can write down those goals and break them down into bite-sized pieces because that’s what I hear the most. You have this big vision, then you get overwhelmed.
Why wouldn’t you? You’re trying to run a business, write a book, or publish a book. A lot is going on and building that platform. That platform is the most important part of integrating all of this so it works together. I’m going to invite you to go over to and register. It is at 9:00 AM, Mountain Time on the first day of November. Plenty of time to digest the information, look at the forms, and get everything in place for a very smooth launch in 2025.
Our guest is one of our 2025 Breakthrough Author Magazine contributors. We’re getting all together early so we can launch 2025 with a bang. Joie Gharrity is a brand consultant, video podcast content creator, and international speaker. With over fifteen years of experience in the Hollywood entertainment industry, she has worked for some of the top companies in film, television, original web content, and branded entertainment.
Joie was handpicked by the ABC Studio President to launch the first multimedia startup business for the Walt Disney Company. Upon returning to the Bay Area, Joie was inspired to create Joie G 113 where she empowers entrepreneurs to become their own superstars. Through her unique and proven red-carpet guide to superstar branding and digital marketing systems, she shines a spotlight on their company brands and marketplace. Her beliefs include the inner game tools such as the love capacity daily habit, enabling entrepreneurs to embrace their next-level success. Welcome, Joie.
Joie, it’s so great to have you.
Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
I’m excited. You and I could talk all day. We did hop to your podcast pretty much too. You have two books out and it can relate to everything we’re going to talk about here. Do you want to talk a little bit about them and why you wrote them?
The first one I wrote because I wanted to talk about my journey in Hollywood and how I realized that endemic Hollywood influences everything. It’s a red-carpet guide to visibility influence on how it’s directly linked to your earning power. It also doubles as a guidebook. I reveal my secret in social media marketing campaign in here and you can do it step by step in the first one. The second one is all about the inner game and how once you get rocking, you’re going to have to have a strong inner game. This also doubles as a guide book and it’s my daily habit system. It relates back to how your love capacity is directly in line with what you’re going to get in life.
The Red Carpet Guide to Visibility and Influence
I love that. I love it because I feel like so many people in our business go in and it’s all about the clicks, and how many people are following me. That is influence, but the bigger part of influence is your personality and how you come across and project. People can tell when you’re real and when you’re not real. That’s more the make-it-or-break-it in there. Are you a real person? Are you a relationship builder?
I agree. What people don’t realize about Hollywood is Hollywood is all about building relationships. There’s some glitz to that but that’s like once a year. The Academy Awards is once a year. The rest of the time, it’s a business. The way that we are taught in Hollywood about how to network is all relationship built out. If you are not good at that and if you don’t start swimming deep in that pool, then you won’t do well after a while.What people don’t realize about Hollywood is Hollywood is all about building relationships.Share on X
I agree with that. I used to sell real estate in Los Angeles and I had a clientele that was an actress. It would be amazing because it wasn’t something where they’d say, “Go call her.” I would have someone show up to show a house with their friend who was buying the house to say, “I want to make an introduction. By the way, he’s looking for a house.” It was never like a phone or a text introduction. It was always very personal. I had a chance to get to know that person before they said, “When can we go look at houses?”
It’s because you have to vet everyone down there.
Building Influence
Being Your Own Superstar: How to Expand Your Love Capacity
You have to and they do. You don’t just go into it. Let’s talk about that influence because that’s what you do. You help people build influence. How did you get into that?
I went down to Hollywood twice. The second time, I was hiring influencers for the company I was working for. I was looking at these influencer books. I started becoming close with influencers and having a business professional relationship with them. What I realized is that they were building empires by being themselves. When I decided to break away from that company, I decided that I was going to build my own influence, being myself. I was also going to wrap my brand much like a studio so that I could hand my influence to others and my clientele.
We know down in Hollywood that your influence is directly linked to your earning power. I feel very strongly about helping other people to connect that dot, but then help them connect the dots because it can feel very overwhelming at first. With my Hollywood background, it’s not. It’s very in alignment with who I am.
People have the impression that you just put out a video and you go viral one day and your life is made. All of a sudden, you’re an influencer. Let’s talk about that work in the background because what people don’t understand is that there are tools and platforms and so much. I would say it takes a good six months to a year to build that and to get going. What are your thoughts about that?
I launched my video podcast content creator hub in 2023, and it took me almost a little under a year to get my YouTube channel where I wanted it to be. That was a daily habit of working on it. It’s much like kneading bread, learning the system, how it works, and hiring the right coaches. I jumped in the deep end of the pool with that. Nothing is overnight and I want to say the same thing in Hollywood. It would take us a minimum of two years to get a blockbuster movie ready to go to market. For those two years, it was 16 or 18-hour days. I feel that’s the same thing when you’re an entrepreneur at first.Nothing is overnight, and it’s the same thing in Hollywood.Share on X
I think so too. That’s one of the things when I was in advertising. Everybody is like, “You have such a glamorous job.” Have you ever been to a video an ad shoot? I was on a car account, so it’s all about moving that car. It is the most boring thing you will ever do in your life. It’s like, “How many times can we shoot the damn seat to this car?
It’s the same thing for the most part.
It’s the same thing with this. That was one of the things in 2020 when the lockdowns hit. Everybody called and they’re like, “I don’t have a digital presence. I need to be up and making money this month.” You’re like, “That’s not happening.”
That’s why I’m always telling people out there, “Start now. Do it right this second.” It doesn’t have to be video podcasting or podcasting. You better be growing the social media numbers. You better be showing up every single day and you better be strategic about the way you’re showing up because people now in particular are pulling back the red curtains. They want to know who you are and what the journey is, and it better not be that it’s been all butterflies and rainbows because that’s not being authentic.
Importance Of Coaches
The keyword that I picked out of all of what you said was coaches because it’s a rare person who can do this on their own. I had to hire coaches along the way and learn different skills. What kind of coaches did you have to hire?
I hired master YouTubers. You have to invest in it. You have to invest the time, the energy, and the money. My YouTube channel is by far a huge priority because it is premium real estate that I am handing to my clientele. I’m like a master of funnels because I hired a funnel coach. I’ve also hired a lot of inner game coaches. I know about human design well because I hired human design coaches. It is anything that I find interesting. I can build a WordPress website. I hired a WordPress coach. There are other things. When I fall in love with something along the way that I want to dive into, that’s what I do. I hire.
It’s essential. I rarely have seen anybody who can do this from a book or anything because they don’t keep up with what’s new and the changes. You and I were talking weeks ago about the new changes on LinkedIn and Facebook, the sharing. Now, we have a group set up. You have to be on top of all that and know the changes because marketing changes about every 9 to 18 months.
It’s moving fast. I hired people because I knew that I wanted to become a video podcast influencer. That took almost a year of me learning the deep dive of the technology, the tags, how to market and pre-market, and all that as well. Now, I teach that. I trained that. That’s one of my packages. That’s one of my VIP packages.
That’s the same with me with learning how to do coursework. I spent an enormous amount of money in one year to learn how to create good courses. Now, I help my people do that with their books, but you have to have that training because I’ve seen some bad courses. Someone gave me one that was eighteen modules long. Each module was an hour long. I was like, “Nobody is going to do this.”
No one is going to watch that.

Sharing Influence
Tell me how you share because you help people build influence by training them but you also loan your influence.
Guards of social media, the hub, the content creator hub, we all share each other’s shows. We know that the solopreneur with the algorithms is going to be very difficult moving forward. In essence, I built a hub community. We all share each other’s shows during the week so we can get past the algorithms. That’s one way. Another way too is building those YouTube numbers so that people don’t have to build them themselves. I also do a digital magazine like yours. That’s another way that I do it. What I do is called a Banana Split and I have everyone in the magazine all sharing and tagging one another.
We do that with ours as well, which you’re going to be part of. Do you think that algorithm change is going to be permanent in LinkedIn with that sharing, or is that something they’ve done for the election?
I think every single platform out there will start rewarding people for sharing on social or kind. They’re going to reward them because it’s the only way that they can build out their reach. Their reach is about big brands. Big brands want real stats on how people are communicating on the side of those platforms. Sharing our content out there is a good thing for them and it’s a great thing for us.
When they’re doing the sharing though, you have to be able to share, tag, and have a group that you’re doing it with to be effective because random people are not going to. Tell me how important analytics are in this. Most people don’t watch their analytics. They don’t know what they’re doing well and what they’re not doing well. They slap it out there and hope it’s going to work.
I get that because everyone is built differently. If you don’t like analytics out there, make sure you hire someone that does. I like to swim in analytics because it helps me to know strategically what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. Get to know the back end of all this. LinkedIn gives you back-end analytics if you have a group, for instance. You can be looking back then. YouTube has endless analytics back there.Everyone is built differently.Share on X
I can see that it could be scary sometimes to look at your analytics because we have to be on us too and authentic. Sometimes you’re going to fail. Sometimes something you think is going to go through the roof doesn’t do well at all. Something you didn’t think was going to do well at all also goes to the roof. It’s a good check and balance.
YouTube And Other Platforms
I think it is too. You’re on YouTube and you have a big presence on YouTube. Mine is more podcasting, so my YouTube doesn’t get as much view. Do you use TubeBuddy or any of those tools that help you on there?
YouTube has such a robust backend studio for you now. They want you to be very well-versed with your channel. I’m on the backend all the time. Every day I’m back there.
I have TubeBuddy which I think is $3.75 a month. It’s not very expensive. You post your own stuff on YouTube. Is that correct? I have a company that does it and I go in and rework a little bit of what they’ve done.
I do because they’re particular tags and styles that I was taught by masters how to do it. I’ve tried to teach other team members how to do it and doesn’t come easy. I preferred to be back there and to have this inner games spirituality around things like this. I like to touch things with my essence. That’s why I don’t mind doing it. I do the same thing with social. I have HootSuite, Automat, and autoresponders. I tend to like to post personally because I feel like there’s an energy when I post myself that I’m putting behind things, but that’s not for everyone. It’s just me.
I can see that. Have you tried Rumble at all? I tried Rumble and I have earned money already with views. I’m shocked because it’s such a different dynamic than YouTube.
I have not but I’m jumping into it because of you.
Good. There are lots, by the way.
I was like, “This is something I need to jump into.” I jumped into Benable and I started earning over there. I’m in love with Benable now.
I never finished. I started after. I got caught up with the Rumble getting that up. The difference is on YouTube, you have to hit their algorithms, a certain number of hours viewed, and a certain number of subscribers. With Rumble, it’s views. You get paid for every thousand views. It’s a different dynamic. I can’t wait to run ads over there and I’m using someone on to help me navigate it.
I’m a huge fan of Fiverr.
For those of you out there who are not using it, it’s I introduced a lot of my clients to them. You can find anything. Although, I have to laugh. I saw this thing about getting your taxes done by a Fiverr expert. I’m not sure I’d want to get my taxes done there.
I’m not sure about that either. I have some team members that I will work with for as long as they’re around. They’re incredible.
Our magazine is designed by someone over there and she does a fabulous job. Now she knows what I want, so she’ll come back to me and go, “Are you sure you want it that way? That’s not the way you usually do it,” which is nice.
That’s a great resource.
Future Plans And Advice
What are you going to teach us this year in the magazine? What things are we going to hear from you so you can improve our influence?
I’m going to lead a lot about things like video podcasting, face recognition, and how important it is. Video is only going to gain speed. I talk a lot about niche marketing, and the influence of niche communities build out. Also, I’m going to be sharing my signature strategies, particularly on social media, about how you can build your influence faster by creating an influence community within there that is all agreed to share with one another.
For those of you who don’t know, we’ve already set up. We haven’t done anything with it yet. I’m waiting to announce the 2025 people, but we’re starting to add people to the group to share our own content. Pretty much all of the magazine people have content that is shared in some way. This is one thing authors don’t understand, content is 100% a must to build your influence. Where would you start with that as someone who’s building influence? Would you say video is where they have to start or get comfortable with? Where would you start?
The way I built my influence was off the back of my blogs. I love writing. I like to be creative and share my experiences a lot. I blog every week. It’s because of my blogs, I have my two books. My blogs helped establish my unique point of view. I’m so disciplined and I do drop a blog every week. It helped me and helped the marketplace to emotionally connect with me because they’re very authentic. I’m talking about my ups and downs and my experiences out there. I’m a huge fan of blogging. Blogging is alive and well.
I want you to hear that because she told you a very easy way to write your book. I don’t deal with the blogs. I create a course, teach the course, then make the course into a book. I do it a little bit backward but still, there’s no one way to do this.
I love your way too. From the blogs, I repurpose the blogs and I’m grabbing more content from them, like quotes because I put tips, tools, strategies, and resources in there. Blogs turned into articles for me too. For the articles, those turn into other content component. I have workbooks because I started with as simple as a blog. My blogs are only a couple of paragraphs too. They’re not extensive. They’re my way of talking about where I’m at. I went ziplining and so my blog was all about how I faced my fear one zipline at a time. Inside of there, I’m talking about two major strategies that people can implement right now on a daily habit that they can go set for and win. This is how I extend my content.
I repurpose too. Do you repurpose like write your blogs from your videos?
I do. A lot of my shows have turned into blogs. To take it a step further, not only do they turn into blogs, but we’re about to drop an eBook because it’s all based on the video content or the shows themselves.
What do you do with that? Do you choose a theme? Do you run yours differently? Do you run yours in seasons? Mine is ongoing evergreen. Do you plan in advance, like this season is going to be about content, and then take those blogs and consolidate them into an eBook? Is it that strategic?
I have a content hub. That hub is sitting on a premium real estate on YouTube. The way that I teach how to do video podcasting is I have a system. That system is very organized. Because we’re so organized, I’m able to come up with a theme, go into the actual system itself, and pull out all the tools and resources like that.
I have similar but probably not as organized as yours. That’s what my new assistant should organize. I use Notion to do it but sometimes, I’m the one who forgets to do the input. It doesn’t throw my staff, let me tell you. Joie, where can we find you if we want to work with you? Who’s your ideal client? Who are you looking for?
I love entrepreneurs or men and women who want to jump cliffs. I love people who make decisions quickly and are looking for bigger superstars out there in the marketplace. Those are the people who are attracted to me because of my media background and the way that I function. Typically, a lot of times these entrepreneurs have had a lot of success before. They started their own business and they want that same level of success. You guys can find me a You can find all of my social media at Joie Gharrity too.
Thank you so much for being on. I’m looking forward to having you as part of the magazine. My people are going to learn so much from you. You guys out there, this is so important. If you don’t have the content and the followers, chances are you’re not going to sell many books. It’s impossible to discover anyone because Amazon and all the books stores are so big now. You have to build this in advance and build your audience with it as well. Joie, thank you so much for being here.
I appreciate you.
Important Links
About Joie Gharrity

Joie Gharrity is a Brand Consultant, Video Podcast Content Creator, Author, and International Speaker. With over fifteen years of experience in the Hollywood entertainment industry, she has worked at top companies in film, television, original web content, and branded entertainment. Joie was hand-picked by the ABC Studio President to launch the first multimedia startup business for The Walt Disney Company.
Upon returning to the Bay Area, Joie was inspired to create Joie G 113, where she empowers entrepreneurs to become their own superstars. Through her unique and proven Red Carpet Guide to Superstar Branding and Digital Marketing System, she shines a spotlight on their company brands in the marketplace. Her system includes inner game tools, such as “The Love Capacity Daily Habits,” enabling entrepreneurs to embrace next-level success.
As the Founder of Superstar Women Entrepreneurs Digital, Joie specializes in training women entrepreneurs to become influential video podcast content creators. She provides a distinctive platform by hosting their shows on her YouTube channel, which boasts a premium real estate of 1.6K subscribers. This exposure grants them significant influence and visibility. Additionally, Joie offers cover features and full-page articles in her digital magazine, empowering women entrepreneurs to showcase their expertise. Leveraging her substantial online reach of 1.1M, she ensures that women entrepreneurs gain the visibility and influence they deserve.
Joie is also an author of two books. The Red Carpet Guide to Visibility and Influence shares her Hollywood journey, along with branding and marketing techniques to amplify personal and professional brands, increasing visibility, influence, and earning power. Her second book, Being Your Own Superstar: How to Expand Your Love Capacity, guides readers toward the big screen of their lives.